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Archives: 2013

What Happens When You Crash a Rental Car?

It's a question to which most of us hope we never learn the answer. The link below, from AOL Autos, shares writer Terry Ward's experience and advice after she did over $9,000 worth of damage to her rental car. Read this before you rent your next vehicle and always double check with your credit card company and/or auto insurance provider prior to travel.    

Know What’s Under Your Roof Before Disaster Strikes

Prepare for the unexpected with an updated home inventory list  Catastrophes can happen suddenly and without warning - damaging or destroying your home along with all the contents inside. In the aftermath of such a devastating event, would you know where to begin in picking up the pieces and starting over? Could you list and describe your possessions so they could be replaced? Andrew McCabe...

College Students: Make Sure Your Stuff is Covered!

As millions of students pack bags, crates and trunks with their most valuable possessions and head to colleges and universities this fall, many probably aren't thinking about what might happen after they arrive. With a full load of classes, exams and social events on their minds, students may not give much thought about protecting their clothes, electronic gadgets and other valuables in their new “homes...

Boating Safety Made Easy

“With this year’s boating season well under way, there are plenty of simple things boaters can do to protect themselves, their passengers and their property,” says local insurance agent Andrew J. McCabe. “From following basic safety measures to re-evaluating their insurance coverage, boaters can enjoy a memorable and fun season while making it safe for everyone.” Safety first Boating safety starts with one of the...

Let's Talk Life Insurance!

Anrew McCabe Puts to Rest Common Myths About Life Insurance A recent survey by LIMRA International1 shows that one third of adults in the U.S. have no life insurance.  Those with coverage, the study also showed, have far less than most experts recommend for a secure financial future for their families. For most consumers, buying life insurance can be a tough decision, and myths about...